• Medicare rebates for specialist consultations were frozen from 1 November 2012 until 1 July 2018. Some (not all) specialist Medicare Item rebates did increase by 1.5% on 1 July 2018. However medical practice costs have still risen on average 2.5% each year. From December 2013 to December 2014, the Australian inflation rate was 1.7% with health costs rising 4.4% within the same period (Source: ABS 28/01/2015)
• As with all small businesses, the costs of providing medical care go up each year.Costs to run a medical practice include wages for staff, rent (including patient car park spaces), medical equipment and consumables, cleaning, electricity, computers, printing, telecommunication and insurance.All these costs must be met by the single fee charged at each appointment. Charging a cancellation fee for less than 48 hours' notice maintains fees at a lower level and is more equitable for patients who attended on a regular basis
• At Gosford Paediatrics we are dedicated to providing a premier medical service while being mindful of family finances
• With recent restrictions imposed by Medicare on specialist consultations, certain services will no longer be able to be provided unless they occur in person at the time of the consultation. This includes school and allied health case conferences and completion of forms and certificates. Email or telephone enquiries should be directed to practice staff who will assess if an earlier appointment is required. (As before, prescriptions and results of medical investigations cannot be provided outside of an in-person medical appointment)
• Under the Australian Government's health care model, specialists are a second-tier health resource and General Practitioners are to be consulted first and foremost for acute medical advice, primary treatment and completion of any documentation. Following your specialist consultation, your GP is always provided with a letter outlining the issues arising from the appointment and a management plan. This is given priority and is often sent out on the same day as your consultation as part of our dedication and commitment to your child and family's medical care
Our Prescription Policy
• Prescriptions (including repeats) are only provided during appointments
• Ongoing medical care requires regular review, assessment and monitoring. Babies, children and young people are rapidly changing individuals who are constantly growing and developing. As such their medical needs also change. Some medications require closer monitoring, dosage adjustment and more frequent clinical measurements than others. Some also require additional Government Authority approval, which is not always granted. You will be notified if this applies to you
• Requests for prescriptions to be posted, faxed or collected will not be accommodated
Our Results Policy
• Due to counselling and possible further investigations which may be required, results from medical tests will not be given over the telephone. In the event that we need to contact you urgently, please ensure that your Emergency Contact details are up-to-date in case we can't reach you directly
• At the time medical investigations are ordered, a follow-up appointment time will be made
• An earlier appointment time for any results requiring further medical attention will be scheduled
• Your referring doctor (Specialist or GP) is usually sent a copy of your medical investigation results
Our Report Policy
• Consultation letters are customarily sent directly to the referring doctor after each appointment. We prefer to send consultation letters via HealthLink (EDI: gosfpaed) Secure Messaging or other means of electronic communication. This is in accordance with recent Department of Health directives, as posting of hardcopy reports may delay and compromise timely medical management. It is up to the referring doctor whether they wish to release information contained in that report to other parties
• At the initial appointment, you will be asked for written consent to participate in information transfer with other relevant professionals involved in your child's care. Educationally, this may involve your child's Principal, School Counsellor and/or Class Teacher. A letter detailing relevant outcomes from the consultation may be sent to your child's school at your request. You reserve the right to withdraw your consent at any time
• It is both the parent(s) and school's responsibility to arrange a case conference (date and time) to discuss your child
• Due to the time and effort involved, forms or other documents directly relating to your child's health will only be completed during appointment times. Alternatively you may request your GP to complete these
Our 'No Show' Policy
• Failure to attend appointments inconveniences fellow patients, practice staff and denies other patients the opportunity to access medical care earlier
• It is your responsibility to ensure that you remember your appointment date and time
• However, we will generally contact you by telephone (mobile or home phone number) to confirm your appointment date and time a few days before it is scheduled. This may include contacting your nominated Emergency Contact person if you are unavailable. Please ensure that you have a message bank or similar facilities enabled on your mobile phone or home phone
• Any patients who do not attend their scheduled appointment and fail to give a minimum of 48 hours notice (either by telephone, leaving a message on our answering machine, or emailing [email protected]) will be charged a cancellation fee, which is currently $50
• Another appointment will only be given after the cancellation fee has been paid in full
• It is the patient's responsibility to ensure that a valid referral (including an updated GP referral every 12 months) is obtained before the scheduled appointment time. Failure to obtain this is not an acceptable reason for cancelling an appointment even though it is unable to proceed and a cancellation fee will be charged. Our staff will remind you if your referral is due to expire
• If you are running late for your appointment, no extra time will be allowed as it intrudes onto the next appointment and is unfair to others. The fee for the entire scheduled appointment period will still be charged
• You are always welcome to make an extra appointment if required (fees will apply)
Guardianship Issues
Many parenting relationships end in separation and divorce. Conflict and communication breakdown often occurs during this time and afterwards. Collaboration with professional care providers may also become more difficult
• Problems of development and behaviour are more difficult to diagnose in children and young people during these times. Children with special needs may be particularly more vulnerable and require further consideration of their care needs
• In situations of parental separation, particularly where there are unresolved issues regarding asset distribution and child care arrangements, the well-being and best interests of the child can be caught up in the resolution of these legal proceedings and personal agendas
• Cooperation between parents is necessary for therapeutic interventions to be most effective. Sharing of information should occur directly between parents
• Where specific interventions are under consideration, such as the prescription of non-essential medication, our default position is not to proceed unless both parents are in agreement
• Exceptions to this policy may arise depending on the medical needs of the child or if there are legal guidelines in place (such as parenting court orders)
• If custodial arrangements and domestic disputes interfere with the provision of clinical services, we reserve the right to halt these services until such times that the dispute has been resolved (usually after a Family Law Court hearing and Court Orders are in place)
• The safety and well-being of the child/young person is paramount. If a child is suspected of being at risk of neglect and abuse (including witnessing domestic violence), or their safety cannot be guaranteed, we are legally obliged to report the matter to the Community Services Department (DoCS)
• Consultation letters are customarily sent directly to the referring doctor after each appointment. It is up to the referring doctor whether they wish to release information contained in that report. Letters are for clinical and not legal purposes
• We do not take referrals where the purpose of the assessment is to generate information for legal decision making around custody issues of parental separation. That is for the services of the Family Law Court to decide
• If a child is referred during the process of parental separation, it is your obligation to inform us of this and of any parental court orders in place. We reserve the right to refuse non-urgent treatment and/or refer the child to an alternative health service
• We will not provide, as part of our routine clinical services, reports to solicitors and courts for the purposes of assisting with domestic legal proceedings. If such a report is to be provided, it needs to be negotiated independent of child related clinical services. We reserve the right to refuse to do such reports
Our Privacy Policy
• In accordance with Australian Privacy Principles, we only collect and store personal information which are directly related to health care provision and administration (such as Medicare*), and only when it is necessary for or directly related to such purposes
• We do not give out any personal information to Government agencies, private sector organisations or anyone else unless one of the following applies:
o You have provided consent, o The individual would reasonably expect, or has been told, information of that kind is usually passed to those individuals, bodies or agencies as part of conducting business as a medical practitioner, o It is otherwise required or authorised by law, o It will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody's life or health, or o It is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the criminal law or of a law imposing a pecuniary penalty, or for the protection of public revenue
• We take steps to protect the personal information we hold against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, and against other misuse
• When the personal information that we collect is no longer required, we destroy or delete it in a secure manner
• You can access the personal information that we hold about you, and you can ask us to correct the personal information we hold about you
(*Most people make claims under the Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits schemes (MBS and PBS) for a range of health services they receive in Australia. Health service providers regularly need to exchange relevant information with Medicare Australia in order to process these claims)
Right to Refuse
• In accordance with Health Care Complaints Commission policy, we reserve the right to refuse to see patients in specific circumstances. Further details are available here
For details on how to make an appointment, what to bring, parking etc please see our Appointments page